

everyone ask me why???why???why??why cut until so short ??
i just ans its syok n i still wan to cut it more short than now..and hahaha..dunnoe y ans them like this...act that not the ans...
when i get hurt or have a bad mood..i wil go and have a hair cut...maybe its make me feel tat I have a new look can change myself or forget somethng unhppy...CUt short reali make me feel happy more.start from somethng new...

erm..angel reali so gud, everytime date me out n will remember wat i said..when i said im so poor now n she owayz will said "i treat u"...make me feel paiseh...maybe she reali rich la...i dunnoe...there have someone who treat me like a sis=)

going to singapore soon~guess when isit??

my result...
quite okie la..gt improve....bt i haven get my total mark n grade...when i get it will update here soon....will gambateh more n more....

teacher recommend me to do part-time designer...haha.she helping me to ask..hope i can get it la..dun wan to be a 煮饭婆lah....i hate to cook or fry thng everyday...
