
10/4 What a blur bad day!!bye bye to my long hair...

i wake up very late 2day...
every saturday i also late for tuition...
teacher showed her unhappy face to me every saturday..
n suggest me wake up early 10 minit..IMPOSSIBLE lar....
bt 2day she din't...i think she give up to warn me..haha...
2day was blur...when i start my car n recede my car...
i BUMP my uncle car............again......
haiz...then my uncle was smile to me(paksa punya)
make me feel shy...after tat i dunoe my dad how to settle la..
then i rush to tution..2day tuition a....same..boring......
after tuition i bring my bro n his frend to having undang test...
on the way bring him...sesak kereta..then i turn to another way...
at the traffic jam..infront of my car...suddenly sudah ROSAK...wth....
after bring my bro having test..i went to bercham to find my sis having lunch(肉骨茶)
then i go back to bring my bro again...he fail again n again....very bosan..
then bring them to eat at little genting..
after tis i went to CHILLI 4 at 金山广场 to find Angle..my kai jie...to cut my hair....
she smile to me...her malay customer tot im her sister...said we look alike wor..haha...
i reali beh tahan..so i cut it..shorrttttttttt.................

this is the most long hair tat i had..before....

after..my mum seem dun like my hair..coz it short...
have a new look..new life....
